Giza Pyramid

Giza Necropolis

The Giza Necro polis stands on the Giza Plateau,on the outskirts of Cairo,Egypt.This complex of ancient monuments include the three pyramids known as Great Pyramids,along with the massive sculpture known as the Great Sphinx.It is located some 8 km inland into the desert from the old town of Giza on the Nile,some 25 km southwest of Cairo city center.One of the Great Pyramid of Giza is the only remaining monument of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

At the time of construction and for many years after,the Pyramids of Giza were the tallest structures on the planet.Till today this remains the most massive structure on the earth.

The length of the structure is 230 meters(756 ft) whereas its height rises up to 146.7 meters(481.4 ft),Researchers estimate that 2.3 million blocks were used to build the Great Pyramid,with average weight of 2.5 metric tons per block.The largest weighing 15 metric tons.
It took 4,00,000 men 20 years of time to build the huge structure.Working in three month shifts 1,00,000 men in a shift at a time.

The Pyramids of Giza and other were constructed to house the remains of the Dead Pharaohs rulers who ruled over ancient Egypt.There was a firm belief in them that there was life after death for which they used to store all the required things which they would require after the death entering the new world.

The sides of all three of the Giza Pyramids were astronomically oriented to be nort-south and east-west within a small fraction of a degree.The reason behind the arrangement of the Pyramids is still a mystery,with few people coming up with their own theories but no one could give the concrete details till now.